Did you know that it is actually really effective and useful to repeat content? WHAT, REALLY?!

YES! If you re-use your content, you can reach new followers each time, and you can also reach the followers that missed out on your content.

How does it work?

The lifespan of your content is actually really short. Your posts on social media are gone in a couple of hours. There is a big chance that your followers missed your message or already forgot about it! Damn, that's ****, especially if you put a lot of work into it! Besides that, there are also new followers that you gain on a daily basis. New followers are not going to scroll down over your feed to see what you posted before. And that is a shame because you really posted cool stuff!

So RE-USE those pearls, so you can make your followers happy with your awesome content and work effectively. Remember, work smarter, not harder!


Social media marketing: there is no escape from it anymore.